Its that time of year again… Summer is just about over. The weather is starting to cool. The kids are back in school. Life is starting to get back to normal. As we get back into our normal routines, we should take a minute to recognize the importance of clean water for us and the rest of the world as well. We also should consider how our everyday actions can negatively affect our water and waterways.
Below is a list of a few water habits that can help individuals and families prevent water pollution from their homes:
- Review current water quality reports for your city to ensure good water quality
- Private wells should be tested regularly to ensure good water quality
- Get involved in your local community by organizing participating in community clean ups, adopting a watershed or waterway, plant trees to help prevent erosion, and monitor water quality by taking water samples in your area for analysis.
- Minimize use of antibacterial soaps or cleaning products
- Fix chemical leaks from automobiles and putting liners in driveways to collect chemicals, oil, and other materials
- Do not flush unwanted or out-of-date medications down the toilet or drain
- Do not put anything but water down storm drains
- Minimize paving/sealcoating on your property
- Minimize the use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers
- Choose nontoxic household products when possible
- Pick up after pets
Water contamination often occurs when chemicals/heavy metals are leaked into the environment and then leached into streams, aquifers, or other water ways. This type of contamination is fairly common and can cause issues for everything that is involved with that water. It is recommended to implement the list above in order to reduce chemical and bacterial contamination in our water supplies. If we could all try to keep this in mind, then we would be able to ensure better quality water is consistently available to us all. Lets keep our water sources clean!
If you have any questions or concerns about your water quality or even your current water issues, please reach out to one of our experienced Water Specialists. We would love to hear from you. We look forward to it!