Water Treatment

Water Treatment Services in Indianapolis, IN
An untreated water supply could be filled with various minerals such as calcium and magnesium. Some trace amounts of sodium could be found as well. Hard water could not only have a long-term effect on health, but also the health of your appliances.
Water softening systems from American Aqua Solutions improve water quality. Our most powerful softeners work by having water flow through an exchange resin (or resin beads), magnetically charge to pull the minerals out, clearing minerals from your home’s systems.
Reverse osmosis (or RO) systems use several different types of filters to remove sediments and other minerals, such as ion exchange resins. RO systems allow the water in your home to go through a complex, multi-step filtration process, purifying it before it reaches your faucets.

Benefits of a Water Treatment System
- Removes lead and other contaminants
- Improves overall taste
- Better for the environment
- Energy efficient
- Low-maintenance
- You can choose the level of purification

We also service existing water treatment equipment
Here are some of the brands that we can help service: Aqua Systems, Culligan, US Water Systems, US Filter, Marlo, Coopers Water, Clack, Fleck, Watco, Crystal Pure, and more.
Problems with City Water
Unpleasant Tastes

Problems with Well Water
Hard Water
Dental Fluorosis
Benefits of Soft water and filtration systems

Types of Water Analysis Tests
- Basic Analysis: Always free. This analysis will provide measurements for some basic contaminants such as hardness, iron, chlorine, PH, and TDS (total dissolved solids). Our other tests are managed by certified third-party laboratories.
- Clean Water Test: Will test for over 30 different contaminants. This test consists of cations, anions, calculated values, and a few additional tests as well. This is a great option for those that rely on wells.
- Water Check Analysis: A more detailed option that consists of bacteria, heavy metals, inorganic chemicals, and other physical factors. This analysis will test for over 35 contaminants including E.coli and coliform bacteria.
- Commercial RO Screen: Recommended for commercial clients that need one of the most comprehensive and detailed water analyses on the market. It includes everything the others do and more.
Call Now to Learn More about your home treatment system
Well and municipal water is known for being filled with minerals and contaminants, and are generally not very well filtered, if at all. American Aqua Solutions offers thorough and comprehensive analysis using an array of tests. From there, we will be able to detail just how much you will benefit from an American Aqua treatment solution.
With many years of experience in the industry, we have experience providing long-term solutions. We are happy to discuss your specific needs and provide more details on how we can help. Water softening and whole house filter systems not only improve your physical health, but will also prevent soap scum (resulting in more lather and longer-lasting lather), and calcium buildup in your plumbing systems. Contact our water experts today to learn more about softening, testing, or reverse osmosis services in the Indianapolis, IN area!
Get In Touch
(317) 954-2450
Mon - Fri: 8AM-6PM
Sat - Sun: 9AM - 4PM